Why You Need a Personal Parent Coach.
What if you could talk to your future self?
The wiser you, that has survived the parenting years.
The more experienced you, that sees what works, and what doesn’t.
The older mom with a rich and deep connection with her son.
What if you had access to that support every day?
Where you could share your deepest worries and concerns.
Where you could learn how to make your family life better. NOW!
Where you could parent together with your future self.
Isn’t that what we all wish we had?
I can help you on the road to becoming your future self.
I am that experienced and wise elder, further along the parenting road.
I can walk side by side with you.
You can start to feel more successful as a parent.
And your boy will really start to thrive.
My Imperfect Journey
Confessions of a Real Mom
My mothering experience started at an age when I was labeled a ’mature mother’. It started with excitement and joy and a little bit of smugness that I was old enough to know things, and I’d had years of working with children. I had confidence!
It wasn’t long before I began to flounder. I thought I should be able to do it all – mother, wife, teacher – and do it all really well. My expectations for myself were high. I read parenting books extensively and grappled for solutions to my issues. Why couldn’t I find anything to help me raise this sweet, wild bundle of energy? I can still feel the anger and frustration that I took out on my husband, simply because I needed to take it out on someone. I am not proud of how I treated him during the early years of parenting. One day, I packed his suitcase and left it outside the door before our son turned two. It still stings to think of what I put that dear man through, and thank my lucky stars that he never gave up on me. But it is those times that I felt I failed my son that still can break my heart. That time that I cried on the other side of the door that my toddler was pounding on to let him in. Crying because I had come to the end of my rope – of patience, of understanding, of the ability to be calm and rational. I hid behind the door and cried because I was afraid of what could have happened if I stayed beside that toddler who was having his own, prolonged temper tantrum. Behind that door I felt like the worst mother alive! I could not believe what I was doing, and feeling. I have never felt so out of control and so ashamed and so worried about the damage I was doing to my son. We both probably would need therapy in the not so distant future is what I thought. Then there were those times when I could see my boy was suffering somehow but just couldn’t put my finger on how to fix things. I was embarrassed to admit that I was having a hard time. I would sink into silence and depression and my husband would pack us all up into the car and drive me into the mountains, hoping that by being in nature I would be able to bounce back.
As if things weren’t already bad enough, the situation took a turn for the worse.
I didn’t think I could feel worse or more incompetent in parenting until I became aware of a situation that our boy was suffering from that was the direct (but not intentional) result of my strong parenting stance about aggression. My heart broke to realize that I missed an essential part of my plan, and that resulted in the most precious person in my world to be hurt.
I thought it would be different. I thought it would be easier. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I didn’t know that being sleep deprived and hormonal would assist in creating a great deal of havoc and chaos in my family. I didn’t know how guilty and inadequate I would feel parenting our son. I didn’t know that I needed help, or where I could get it.
So I studied, I observed, I analyzed and I reflected. It took time! And I made so many mistakes along the way. But because of all of that my son has become a remarkable man that is full of kindness and compassion. We have a deep and rich connection that fills my heart.
When I learned more, I could empathize with the unfair pressure society was placing on my son, and all boys. I am proud that my son knows I stood up for him, for his rights, and the rights of all of our boys. We still faced many of the normal challenges of raising a child, but our world was so much better when I understood better, and then could help my boy also understand.
If I could have had the me of today, with all I have learned through experience and research, to have been beside the me of yesterday, I know it would have been different. I want to be that person for you, for your son, for your family, so that you don’t need to suffer as much as I did – and neither will your son and husband!
Where are you currently in your parenting world?
You find you are having the same struggles over and over;
feeling frustrated and at the end of your rope.
You are resorting to bribes or rewards for behavior compliance
& having issues with routines and transitions.
You are feeling angry, worried, stressed out and guilty about your parenting
and just not ‘getting’ your boy.
You see that sweet little boy and are determined to raise him the best that you can.
Where do you want to be in your parenting world?
Feeling confident as a parent of a boy; knowing you are raising him to be able to reach his potential.
Knowing how to diffuse emotionally charged situations and feel empathy and compassion for your son.
Recognizing the most effective ways to communicate and connect with your boy.
Seeing a future where the love between you and your son is strong and healthy.
If you can see yourself in any of these and are ready to accept guidance and can commit to the effort it takes to be a reflective, intentional parent, then I can help you. I simply need you to commit as passionately to improving your parenting world as I will. With each small and swift strategy or skill you learn, you will see immediate, positive results.
With more awareness and knowledge your perspective will change. That changes everything. Parenting boys is different from that of girls.
What will your 1-on-1 Coaching Package look like?
3 weeks
3 one hour private coaching sessions
Recorded video sessions
Direct email access
Your sessions will give you the chance to share your personal challenges and be guided forward with new strategies, practical skills, and confidence.
You will learn about the special considerations around raising a boy who becomes a remarkable man.
No matter what is going on in your world, it is my goal to help you find a way to create a more calm and harmonious family dynamic. It is my aim to help boys be their wonderful, true selves, and parents to enjoy raising them.
We all do the best we can, with the tools we have on hand.
Your parent coaching sessions will add on to those tools!
“I just don’t have the time or the energy!”
I need to be blunt:
There is no right time & or enough energy.
You are parenting a boy!
Ask yourself a few questions:
Do I want to take the chance of NOT being able to be the best parent I can be for my children?
Am I willing to continue on and simply hope that he outgrows this challenging time and magically will grow into a wonderful young man?
Is giving up, or giving in, one of my options?
This is NOT what you want, right? When you are that determined mom wanting to make a change, then I believe you can and will find the time and the energy – because he is worth it, and so are you. And when things start changing, improving, that is when you will feel an increase in your energy level. You are going to be excited to welcome in each day and watch your son grow into that person you know is deep inside. You will have reclaimed all the lost time spent on conflict and frustration, and suddenly have more time to spend in positive interactions with your son. And I will be by your side the whole way.
You will find the time and energy until it starts coming back as your perspective on raising a boy changes.
So, as Nike says, ‘Just do it!’